About the


revival of the SEPAC -- Spring 2017

Paula Moyer, Co-Chair

Catherine Picciotto, Co-Chair


The Lincoln-Sudbury Special Education Parent Advisory Council (LS SEPAC) is a positive and solution-oriented parent advisory council. We are a state-mandated group serving Boston, Lincoln, and Sudbury families in the district with disabilities ages 14-22 years old, or upon graduation, whichever comes first. Our mission is to work collaboratively with parents and school officials to ensure that students' needs under Massachusetts Special Education Regulations 603 CMR 28.07(4) and other applicable laws are being met. We also act as a resource and advisor to parents and the greater community to establish a better understanding of, respect for, and support of special education in the Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School district.

Open Board Office positions include Secretary, Treasurer, Events Coordinator, Membership Coordinator, and Technology Coordinator. We also hope to find liaisons for the Sudbury SEPAC (PreK-8), one for neighboring SEPACs, and an Out-of-District liaison.

Please see the By Laws for a complete description of responsibilities.